
02 April 2005


Yes, that was the score of today's soccer game. No, we did not get any goals. Turns out we were not set to have our first game against the worst team in the league last year. No, no. We played the team that placed second. And by those standards, I think we did pretty well. Working out has finally paid off because I didn't sub out at all. Forty minutes is a long time to play for one half. Luckily, I really like the game and all my game-induced adrenaline of my youth is still there. My strength is really defense I think, although they like to make me run a lot in midfield. How do I manage to be good defensively? Well, naturally I throw my body in the path of the ball. I am not good at handling said ball, but frequently, it bounces off me with such force that it goes to the correct side of the field. I caught enough balls in the nether regions to make me question my ability to bear children in the future. I also took balls in the head (not on purpose), the shoulder, the thighs, the arm (again, not on purpose), and on several rare occasions, my feet! My feet, by the way, are falling apart. I seriously think I will have to get a foot transplant one of these days. No more cute shoes for me, they are ruining my life. Not to mention the soccer boots!

At least we look cute in our uniforms. :) I like to call us the Bees because our colors are yellow and black, but the team decided it sounded too nice. We have opted instead for yellow. Yeah, that totally doesn't sound nice and sunny. Ah well. Even if I can't move and the team did score ten goals on us, we still did awfully well and I am quite excited for us to be good. And! I am now an official soccer player because I bled. It's good to be me.