
14 April 2007

Stress Levels? Good.

Life is finally levelling out. You know they have those lists of top stressers in life? I had too many of them in the past six months. Thank God nothing like family dying or anything like that, but moving, moving countries, finishing school, new job, new second job, etc. Things are working on out. I have a bed now. This is good. Vacuum cleaner, check. So my needs are levelling out too.

It's like playing the Sims, which I do as often as humanly possible. You start out with nothing and gradually work your way there. I think I'm getting close. Then again, I'm not sure where "there" is to be getting to. But I'm on my way. :) And that's half the battle, isn't it?

Also, my new obsession is etsy.com. I think you should go there immediately, if not sooner. I found a person who is willing to make sweet wedding invites for approximately no money. I also dig on one of a kind stuff in general, so this is the place to get it.

Seriously, I should get paid for advertising.


Lisa said...

you should check out hullabaloo.etsy.com one of my friends from college makes these cute purses.