
10 June 2008

Holy crap!

Through the beauty of things like facebook and myspace, I get to freely spy on people I used to know pretty well. There are people in life that you went to the same parties as or were peripheral in their circle of friends or vice versa. I always wonder what happened to these people. Some of this could be the cabin fever of summer vacay. Whatever.

I am shocked that we are the people with jobs and children and spouses. In my spying of the last few minutes, I had to drop my jaw and say, "Holy mother of God, he's got a wife now?" or "I'm sorry; she has what job?!" When did the guy who routinely puked on the back porch get a job in politics? When did the girl who I would have sworn had several STDs get a normal looking husband, job, house, and matching babies?

How did we all make it? I mean, I had my wild side back in the day too. I have since mellowed and am now entrusted to mold young lives. Maybe these kids all just had a similar wild streak. I assume that no one is now saying, "What do you mean I'm wrong? I challenge you to a game of flippy cup!" or "Well, let's see how you play beruit with my house rules!" These people have probably all grown up too. But when did that happen?

I have to connect this to my job of working with children. I hope that they all grow up before they have responsibilities, but there are no such guarantees. Maybe we all just do this? Maybe we all grow out of it? Who's to say that these people don't just put normal pictures up on myspace and they choose not to advertise doing kegstands with baby.

I'm just saying it makes me re-evaluate my views of important people. I bet they had their hair held back a good many times too.