
22 June 2008

The boy's birthday

Well, it was the boy's birthday... a while ago. I am bad with staying up to date, apparently. Regardless, he is now 26. That means that I will be 26 in a couple weeks here. When did that happen?!
Just to keep you informed on my life lately: read, gym, nap, play Sims, sleep, start over. Seriously, kiddos, it's feast or famine over here. Either I am working way too hard or mind-numbingly bored. What can you do?
The only upcoming event is that we will be moving to a better apartment at the end of the month. We will have more than one bedroom! We will have a kitchen and a dining nook! We have arrived.
Maybe. :)


Anonymous said...

whoa what version of the sims do you play?? I feel like our "understimulated" lives our mirroring each other! I get sucked into that game for hours and when i finally emerge I feel like total crap...