
21 May 2008

Hello, End of the Tunnel Light!

I may be resurfacing on this blog again.  Today is graduation and tomorrow is my last day of catch-up work.  Why did I make my sophomores write an essay for their final?  Pure stupidity, I suppose.

I am so excited for summer! I would love to say that in a more eloquent way, but I've been in the midst of high school seniors for too, too long.  I know it doesn't make up for the long hours, the underappreciation, the constant questions and concerns from parents, the work that hasn't been turned in and the working your butt off so kids can graduate and start life... but it might come close to making it up.

I get to read books, write on this thing again, work out at my leisure instead of 5 in the morning, walk my dog and regain my life back.  The life of a student is ideal.  I can sleep when I want, eat when I want, wake up when I want and learn all the while.  Why am I not in a PhD program?!

For the time being, I will have to entertain the idea of being a self-taught student in the course of life.  Cheesy, perhaps, but true nonetheless.  I can have some time to sort out my life before I become, once again, an overtired slave of the teenage population of Vail, AZ.  But that's months from now.  

I will enjoy their graduation with dry eyes and be excited for the future that life holds for them.  I will also be ecstatic that they will be some poor boss's concern now and not mine.  Fingers crossed there's a boss, or a teacher, or a drill sergeant...  Anything, really.  

Mostly, I'm just happy to hear that very familiar sound - a solid thump of a chapter ending in life.  Time for the next, please.