
07 February 2008

Where Have I Been?

For the last few months I have been buried in high school. I mean, honestly. When did I become the girl that liked to have kids verbalize their misunderstanding that I am their employee? :)

In other news that isn't school, this semester is going to rock. My daddy, mommy, and grandpappy are coming to see me (and the boy) this weekend. I've got a long weekend coming up for Rodeo Days (yes, kiddos, I live in the wild, wild West). I have two weeks off in March that will involve going to the Grand Canyon for a long weekend, puppy and all; it will also incorporate me going to my mommy and daddy's house for a his/hers wedding shower. Then, in April, I'm ditching the ol' high school for a Caribbean cruise. Oh yeah, I'll be getting married on it. :)

And I'm going to look a-dorable. I've got the dress, the shoes, the ridiculous-bridezilla-inducing-fanatical diet going on. It'll be worth it. :)

Then before I know it, it'll be May. We all know what that means - goodbye seniors, hello sun tan.

So until my days of glory and relaxation come, I'll pay my dues here: I'm at parent-teacher conferences where no one want to talk to me because I have seniors. Senior parents don't care. And my stupid loaned laptop's spacebar doesn't work really well. My writing genius has cost me; I'll have blisters tomorrowfromtypingsohard.


Anonymous said...

come back to blogging, friend!

Lisa said...

so, can you post some wedding pics? or are you still on your honeymoon? how did it go, i'm sure you have some great stories.