
24 May 2008

Summer Lovin'

I am loving summer. I realize that my vacation has been in action for less than a normal weekend. I realize that Arizona gets to unreasonably hot temperatures in summer.


I am so happy to be on vacation! The weather is unseasonably cool right now, meaning we didn't even hit 80 today! It's gorgeous out, I love all the fruits and vegetables that are all available right now, and most of all, I just feel like I'm on holiday. Isn't that half the battle?

I've almost finished the first book on my summer reading list. I have caught myself up on dishes and laundry (though not cleaning or organizing), I've tried a few new wines, and I even went to a movie and didn't feel like I was going to fall asleep halfway through the first preview. That's probably because I slept a ridiculous quantity yesterday. Seriously. I had the nice 9 hours of sleep and took two separate naps yesterday. I have some serious catching up to do.

Summer is already awesome and I can't wait for it to be day three of vacay.