
25 May 2008

I am sure I am That Girl to someone

I was watching Sex and the City last night. [As a premature sidenote, I am going to watch all of SatC before the movie comes out on the 30th. Is it trite? Is everyone loving that show, that movie, those women right now? Yes. And I am one of them. That show will always represent to me the time of all my girls being in one room, armed with bottles of mostly crappy wine and watching in utter silence (this is me and my friends, mind you) as these women said true things to us. We were young, we were impressionable, we were hooked. I look back now and wonder: Did we realize what a horrible, selfish friend Carrie was? Did I always know how much of a catch Steve was? Did I always know that Aidan was obviously too good for Carrie? I don't know. But it's still a true picture of a true time of learning and relationships and too many drinks. I will unabashedly always love the show and the characters even if they are flawed and represent too much unnecessary female stereotypes. Love. It.]

I was watching the episode that included Charlotte's perfect man who happened to be The Face Licker. It got me thinking and I couldn't help but wonder (take that, Carrie Bradshaw), haven't we all been The Somebody who Something-ed? In my friend circle history, I know of Hickey Bob (we'll call him Bob), The Po-Po Man (so named for getting caught by the police while making out with my friend in his truck), Ghetto Fab, and The Guy who Pees on People.

Now, I'm not saying that I have done anything so infamous as pee on anybody. But we've all had our moments, haven't we? Isn't there that one night where you got a little too drunk (it always starts out that way) and did something a bit stupid, even for you when you're drunk? I know that my friend infamously and unfortunately threw up on a keg while doing a kegstand once. Is she forever known in someone's life as The Puker?

What names and notoriety have I gained amongst those I don't even remember meeting? For me, it was an unfortunate evening that true friends don't bring up often. In someone else's mind, it's the funniest thing that's ever happened.

I am sure I am a legend to some.