
27 October 2005

Annika the Accountant

It's finally happened. Someone has put me in charge of a company's finances. God save us all.

To recap, I work at CFI:NZ (that's a little CSI joke) as the lunch time receptionist. The full time receptionist just took a job in a different division of the company. While she studies for her finals and trains for her new job, I am taking over for a wee while. Also to recap, I don't know how to do anything here. I answer phones, reply to email messages and book our seminar rooms. The big part of the receptionist's job is invoicing and billing. I got a quick training session on how to do all of the invoicing and billing in two hours yesterday. Today I had to do the rest of the billing that had piled up over the past few weeks. It was really scary.

Fortunately, I think I actually know what I'm doing. The funny thing is, I don't actually do anything with money. I just file this, make two to four copies of that, highlight this line, add these numbers, and repetitively file it all away on Excel. These are not my strong suites, except for highlighting. I aced that class at uni.

Again, as silly as it sounds, I love it. I feel very knowledgeable. I know the financial coding for everything (it's on a list), and it feels somehow important. But, I realise this puts me in a non-positive light considering I am Orwell's prime candidate for surviving 1984 - I just file and forget. Some things I shred, some things I keep, I am a little machine.

Whatever, it's my first real job besides teaching and I like being a productive cog in a machine for once. :)