
01 April 2007

Working, Working, Working...

I've been trying to think of something fun to announce on here or comment about. Unfortunately, I am pretty boring as of late. I have been working a ton and that's it. Though I have been introduced to Bruegger's Bagels which now defines my Sundays. So that's exciting.

Other than that, I only have boring things to tell you. I am starting to teach math at Sylvan. I mean, really? It's okay though. They gave me an answer key, thank God.
Earlier in the week, I think I was poisoned by organic food and am now disillusioned. I will still buy it though, because it is cheaper at Trader Joe's than the non-organic food. But man, food poisoning sucks.

I've also gotten rid of HBO and the other movie channels and gotten a subscription thing with Blockbuster. I feel I will never run out of movies to watch now. Thank God you can only take three out at a time or I would be so overwhelmed. Naturally, I have started my movie selection by picking things like The Pick of Destiny and Just My Luck... definitely classics. Worry not, I'll start watching the good ones soon.

By the way, when did horror movies dominate the shelves? I don't like these things and I don't like having to look through the scary pictures to find my little gems on the shelves. Apparently this means I am vouching for censorship, but maybe they could all just be in one section.

As you can see, this means not much is going on in my life. Well, lots is going on, but none of it makes for interesting posts. So I am off to play the Sims. Fun things happen on there. :)