
03 April 2007

Warp Speed

Time is ridiculous. This is the longest short week ever. I get done with work and the day is over. Or, if I have the luxury of working only one job in a day, then I get home, do laundry, make lunches for the next day, set up coffee, iron some clothes, eat some dinner, and go straight to bed. I mean, really? Is this life? I fear that it is.

On a "silver lining" note, here are a few things I've heard recently from students:

  • You know, it is pretty awesome being hot. ~10 year old boy
  • Well, you know I'm pregnant, right? ~ 18 year old girl; Yeah, well who isn't? ~17 year old boy (Yeah, I teach at that school.)
  • Haha, you said, "Duty." ~ sadly, me
  • Who wants some free tickets to this movie? ~teacher; Me! I want three... no four! Five, I want five passes!! ~16 year old boy; You know ten people who want to see this movie?; What movie?
  • Wait, you want me to do my own work? Seriously?! ~18 year old boy