
27 July 2005

Do I Look Fat, Honey?

While reading Ann Althouse's blog (which is phenomenal, by the way), I saw that she referenced this funny wee article about the inevitable day when some malicious woman will ask her significant other, "Do I look fat in this?" only hoping to be able to behead him. While the post is hilarious, I have to remind people that once again, not all women are this insane. I still maintain that my friends and I are way better girlfriends than most of the population. Yes, we have our moments: Reb throwing the phone at Sam's head (he totally deserved it though), Beth's ill-timed flatulence (which was a definite accident), I could mention my mistakes, but hello - it's my blog, why would I?

Despite our flaws, we tend not be jealous, manipulative, high maintenance or mean spirited. I would like to blow your minds here with a conversation that actually happened last year:

Me: Do I look fat in this?
The Then-Boy: Do you want a real answer or a self-esteem answer?
Me: after considering Real answer, please.
Then-Boy: It's not the most flattering outfit. Why don't you wear your black "good butt" pants?
Me: Yeah, okay. I'll be more comfortable anyway.

I will wait for gasps and applause. Basically, if you're dating a girl who would attack you for her own insecurities, break up with her immediately and give me a call. ;)