
13 June 2005

Running of the Students

I would like to once again mention the fact that finals are going on and I don't have them. :) It just makes me happy to say that, but yes, I do actually have a relevant point. I have been avoiding the library like the plague because students are just overrunning the place, leaving no coffee line short, no computer hookup available, and no seat unfilled. I guess I will just do research from home and/or work. Still, some of my friends do have finals. Poor kids. They have alerted me to a phenomenon that I just don't think would happen back in the States, or at least not at any school I would go to.

Kids line up for the library to open. Yep, there's a real long line of uni kids chomping at the bit to run in the doors as soon as they are opened to "get the good seats." I swear to God, it apparently looks like U2 suddenly came to campus and were putting on a show in the library. Only... it's actually just finals. If I were the sadistic type (which, let's face it, I am) who would wake up early for this sort of thing (which, let's face it, I'm not), I would take a picture of these crazy kids tearing up the library doors every morning.

I am still in a state of semi-disbelief as I have never seen this particular fiasco of student performance myself. It boggles the mind. Are they really that studious? Are they really that in love with their library? Chances are, and let's hope this is true, they are just kings and queens of procrastination. But still. Chaotic stadium trampling to get a good seat during finals? Freaks.