
10 February 2009


It's all it takes.  A little snow, a little winter chaos in the middle of the desert.

I found myself sleeping in this morning hoping that if I delayed, I would be forced to stay home because of the snow - the inch of snow that was promised.  Now, I didn't get a snow day, but I did get Starbucks and a beautiful drive to work.  I took some pictures with my phone, but I'm 80 so it will take me a while to get those from my phone onto my computer.

Kids are freaking out, throwing snowballs (slushballs, really, but who am I to burst their bubbles?) and screaming.  Winter hats and pretty scarves are out in full force.  I got four warnings to "be careful of the ice" that I know wasn't real ice.  

But I am ecstatic.  It's cold.  It's pretty.  The enthusiasm is contagious.  All you people who have been enduring snow for months are probably over it, but I'm like a child seeing Christmas for the first time.  I feel like skipping and throwing snowballs myself.  

In a few short weeks, it'll be back up in the 80s and 90s.  I'll be happy that my desert is a desert again.  But for the time being, I'm going to be very happy that I was sent a little, tiny bit of that winter I've been missing for a couple years.