
06 March 2005

Marriage is a Sham

Now that I have your attention, I would like to address that tick-tocking that has been bothering me and evidently many more of my friends. That's right, I'm talking about that biological ticker that won't quit. And all my near and dear who are soon to be wed? You're just making it worse. If we all postponed the so-called wedded bliss, we could all travel the world before settling into a familial routine. I am already regretting that this can be my last venture to live in another world before I have to walk down that gaudy aisle. If I wander off to some other country, it would be years before I could really consider marriage.

So I would be approaching the 30 mark, ring free. Friends would start to set me up with other weird friends who hadn't been tied down yet. Relatives would start asking each other in hushed whispers, "Are we sure she's into guys?" Other well meaning individuals would just start buying me cats, so I could at least have companionship. People would assume I was a man-hater. Friends would have me babysit their children, hoping the marriage/kids bug would bite.

I am pretty sure that people just get married so that other people will stop pestering them about it. At certain point in time, you just become a spinster or an eternal bachelor and you have to avoid those titles by opting for "Mr. and Mrs." I don't mean to put down marriage, but if more people just held off on it, it wouldn't have the same pressures it does now. So, dear friends, explore the world, not the booze-soaked meat markets we call bars and experience life before you start creating it.

[Disclaimer: I do understand that many of my friends are getting married because they love each other. This is not what I oppose and I am very happy for you in your particular nuptials. It is the general concept that I disapprove of.]

For your additional reading pleasure: http://www.martinic.nl/tale/songbook/don_t_get_married.htm


Forward Our Motto said...

Don't be fooled by the disclaimer. Your marriage is a sham and she is just being nice. Hah!

Truly said...

THANK YOU Annika for saying something. I've always wanted to rant about this marriage shit on my blog as well, but fear the wrath of friends who are or are soon to be married.

Also, the older people get, the more often they seem to settle for someone who is unfit for them, just because they think they'll never find anyone. DON'T SETTLE.

My guess is that almost half of your friends who are getting married right now will be divorced and dealing with child support in ten years anyways. That's when you start to rub it in... most likely you'll have a better financial situation, better body, and better experiences. SO THERE, married people. Eat it.