
22 April 2009

Silly Putty Jesus

One of my biggest frustrations in life is that people don't get what they deserve.  Though it's a trite example, it's still a good one: Big boys playing football make millions and my teacher salary is embarrassing for everyone.  People speed and they don't get tickets; I drive the speed limit and still manage to get a ticket.  Sometimes people skip in line at the grocery store and no one does anything.  If we're honest, it's really that I don't think I get what I deserve.  I'm a relatively good person, so good stuff should happen to me... and not to people who are bad.  Simple.

But I'm used to it.  Bad people get good things.  Teachers will never be paid well.  I will wait in line at the grocery store like a good girl and nothing good will happen to me for it.  
Another thing that I like (don't worry; this is going somewhere) is when Jesus does things to entertain me.  Now,  I don't mean to belittle who Jesus is or what he does.  To me, though, sometimes I need a pick me up and sometimes he gives me one.  It's a thing we do.
Yesterday, I had a rockin' day.  I was just on top of my work, the sun was shining... what's a girl to do?  I was driving home on the freeway, where terrible drivers abound.  I was listening to some Free Fallin' (gotta love Tom Petty) and I got into the left lane because there is a series of three merging lanes that always jam up.  Again, I am no speeder.  A car came flying up behind me to slam on his brakes and make some very entertaining hand gestures at me.  I figured he'd speed around me, cut me off, and get to wherever he was going much faster than me.
For once, I was wrong.  I kept my cruise control on, but he couldn't get around me.  I was blissfully amused.  When he finally sped around me, he cut me off and cut off the semi next to me.  The best part was that the semi and I were inadvertently hiding the spying cop car on the shoulder.  I actually saw the guy get pulled over!  For speeding and being a bad driver!  That never happens!
I could only smile and thank Jesus.  I don't think he forced the guy to be a jerk, but I appreciate him pulling the edges of the picture (like a comic on Silly Putty) so that I could watch the guy get exactly what he deserved.