
11 October 2008

Things I heart

I usually have complaints up here (rants, whatever). I thought I would (should) put up some things that I enjoy.

I am currently loving:
Everybody is so into everything. I feel no apathy around me at all. Isn't that a nice feeling? Everyone is reading the newspaper, watching the news... Even my students are locked into Channel One, wondering what's going to happen in the world. My email inbox has been flooded with links to articles and video with need-to-know information. I'm just glad we all care. It makes me warm and fuzzy inside.

I think I have found almost all my Christmas presents already thanks to etsy.com. I love it. Anything you want to find - it's there. And let's just pretend it isn't there - someone will make it for you. On the cheap and on the double.

The desert doesn't have any of the things I love about fall. But Trader Joe's does. I will find my cider, my pumpkin butter, and my cinnamon applesauce. I leave early enough in the morning that I am chilly. Fall is here, desert - whether you like it or not. I also am nearing the month countdown to going to the Midwest for Thanksgiving. Who knew I'd be so pumped about the Midwest?! Well, I am. Leaves, brisk cold, woodsmoke, family, turkey... Sigh.

-my brother
He's 30! He's old now, I think... which means I only have a few years left! But as we tried frantically to get emails and phone calls through to each other, I realized I have some good family.

-girls' nights out
I have a bit of a girls' night out planned for this evening. Pumped. I need social life. I might be working on that.

-the library
I asked them for some magazines to help me with my persuasion quarter. I have over 100 specially picked out magazines waiting for me to pick up. How awesome is that?

Okay, so it's not that many things. But still. Warm and fuzzy, my friends. That's how I feel.


Lisa said...

annika... are you going to be in MN for thanksgiving? how long are you going to be here? maybe there is a slight chance that I could come to see you. it'd be even better if you were coming to wisconsin.

i'm super happy that you posted so many 'heart' felt things... trust me, i'm enjoying the fall here... all the leaves are changing and there's some nice cool weather.