
08 December 2005

Mumbo Jumbo

It's true; I talk fast. I always have and I probably always will. I have gotten better, and people get used to me, but it's just a state of affairs. However, I do reasonably well in professional settings. When I teach, the kids have to get used to my pace, but everything turns out fine. I used to work drive through at the infamous Arby's and get commended on my pronunciation, etiquette and positive attitude (not that it was much competition considering the antics of my peers like the equally infamous Ghetto Fab). I can do professional talking, is my point.

Today, I had to order more coffee as I have had to several times in the past few months. I rang and explained who I was, where I was calling from, and the purpose for my call. I had to repeat myself four (count 'em: four!) times. Now, the first time, I'll grant you. You aren't expecting a rapid-fire American to be on the other end of the line. But the subsequent repetition? By the end of it, I felt like I was openly mocking him, drawing out each syllable to about a minute a piece. He didn't seem offended in the least, nor did he think it unusual for me to have to repeat myself unendingly. Weird.

So maybe after all that, my speech hasn't improved. What more can I do? You're just going to have to figure out a way to slow my brain down. I can think of no other logical solution.