
13 September 2005

RIP Goldfish

The title of this blog is irrelevant really, just a chalking I saw on the sidewalk that I thought was funny. Who would write that?

Anyway, I am fully enjoying a day off from writing, but thought I would share another reason why. I went to the library yesterday to pick up some books for a project I am doing. I had about ten or so books and went to the circulation desk. This is the conversation that followed between the check out guy and myself:

him: Sure is a nice day today, eh?
me: Yup.
him: Everyone's been getting piles of books today! Must be the great reading weather.
me: [pausing to search for sarcasm] Really?
him: Yeah, I mean, it's a great day for reading a book.
me: Actually, I would bet it's because it's the last month of school, deadlines and such.
him: Well, maybe.
me: Well, I don't usually get ten books on critical literacy and narrative inquiry for some light reading for one nice day.
him: Oh, I suppose not. I wonder if those other people were getting school books or fun books?
me: Gee, I guess we'll never know.

I mean, really. This is the same guy who, after I asked to see when The Life of Pi was due back in, said "Is that a recipe book?" This man shouldn't work in a library. Or near books. Or near me.

And that is just one reason why today has been blissful. No writing, no reading, no library, no nothing! Just fun times. Until tomorrow.


Annika said...

I'm sure it would have been even nicer than mine! Right? :)