
14 August 2005

I'd Like to File a Complaint

I watched a show last night that used hidden cameras to comment on general aspects of life. Last night's focus was on customer service in New Zealand. I have not noticed a huge difference from here than in the States although it can be a wee bit more hit or miss. They don't work on tips here though, so I would just have assumed that it would be worse. If I wasn't getting tips, I'd never do any service job. Imagine being a waitress for minimum wage. I shudder to think.

The program ended with an analysis of why the state of New Zealand's customer service was so awful: Kiwis don't like to complain. They had a checklist of how to complain about poor service and urged Kiwis to do it more frequently so service would improve. They had to beg people to complain!!

I am again reminded about the general mindset differences that exist between the States and here. We (a mixed group of Kiwis and Americans) discussed the relationship that exists between settlers and native peoples. Here, they have a dual culture, at least on paper, with the Maori people. We, by comparison, killed off a good portion of the Native Americans. Now, we could debate for a long time about the repercussions of each method, but that isn't my point. The mentality is still there: USA = conquer, NZ = compromise. It's just funny. They avoid conflict to the extent that they are urged to complain about customer service. What a different world I live in.