
04 February 2005

to Z

Well, here I am at long last in New Zealand. After a bit of to do, I got my keys to my flat. I have gotten a few decorations and necessities, but all that can get a bit boring. So instead I will list some things that are different here than they are back in the good US of A. (Because lists are so vastly more interesting than decoration...)

1. They are not taxi drivers, they are cabbies. Nothing else.
2. Yes, they are toilets, and no that's not vulgar.
3. Instead of carts, they are trolleys.
4. People say cheers more often than they say "the."
5. I can't understand anyone, and, well everybody still can't understand me.
6. Their cows and horses look anorexic. Perhaps the people aren't the only overeaters in the States.
7. The Cosmo here tried to make us love Britney again, and had inside stories from prostitues' lives encouraging women to "give it a go" and not be so uptight.

That's all for now... keep looking for more inside scoops from the land down under the land down under!


Forward Our Motto said...

Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind is one of your favorite movies?

Nice! That movie is fantastic. Jim Carrey is way overrated as a comedian but as a serious actor he is amazing.