
27 February 2007

Honking Good Time

A reliable source (read: I'm too lazy to check up on it) told me that Arizona has the worst drivers. Out of the top five worst cities for driving in the US, Phoenix, Tempe and Tucson all make the grade. So... it's hard to drive here. People pull out in front of you, cut you off, etc. The worst part is the honking. There are some cities that I've driven in where the lack of honking was a little extreme. I remember being in the boyfriend's town driving and another car cut me off. I had to do evasive action to, you know, not die. I went to honk when the boy quickly stopped me. It apparently would be like getting out my car and smacking the other driver across the face. Well. I resisted.

But this is ridiculous. The light changes, a horn honks immediately. Someone does a U-turn, a symphony of horns sounds. One time, I kid you not, I was waiting at a light and had been. The guy next to me honked. The light hadn't changed. I have no idea what he was honking about, but it wasn't accidental - he looked slightly pissed off.

Maybe the Midwestern drivers do have manners; but not Chicago. They're a whole other breed. :)

25 February 2007

Connection is Coming

So for all you cats out there who desperately await getting my new contact information, fear not. The time draws nigh.

What? You're sick of the cell phone with the busted speaker? You're sick of me not ever answering because I can't answer the phone in public because you have to be on speakerphone? Yeah, me too. Just hold on. My cutie new pink cell phone (I'm such a girl) is on its way. From Maryland of all places. Regardless, contact info will be distributed once the phone is up and working.

But I probably won't distribute it through this website. Stalkers, you know. This blog has made me wildly popular, you know. Oh, the fan mail. That and the death threats. So if I love you and you love me and you're not one of my numerous stalkers, you'll probably get an email soon.

24 February 2007


Snerfle [SNEHR ful] noun:
a tad more, some additional quantity, usually for express purpose of warming up or completing

How's that coffee coming? You want a snerfle?

[origin: my dad]

Hey, now you know.

23 February 2007

Yay Internet!

I finally have Internet! I even have money to maybe go and buy a desk to put the computer on. The light here at the end of the tunnel sure is bright, shiny, and warm. :)

And cable? Remember That 70s Show?? I do now! And apparently, the Grammy's are coming on. My God, it's been two years -- more than -- since I've had cable. I am overwhelmed. There are over 500 channels. Literally more than 500 channels. And I get them all!

Living was fun, but I think I'm now going to spend my life with my laptop while watching TV. It was nice knowing you all.

Kidding, I clearly have to go out and spend some money. Obviously.

22 February 2007

Rodeo Days!

I am celebrating the apparently statewide event that is Rodeo Days by running errands. So boring.

I remember when my parents used to have their few and far between days off. They were always so busy! I remember saying, "This is vacation; you should relax!" And my dad would say, "I'll relax when everything's done." Of course, it was never done. I dare say my dad hasn't relaxed once in the past ten years. (I kid, I kid.) ;)

I had a taste of my own medicine today. I have been running around, thankful to have some time for once. My days melt into my nights and I find that I can sit down for the first time at 7.30. A grand total of 12 hours since I left the apartment in the morning. Ugh. But I like feeling productive. I feel like I've been continually falling behind in a race. Well now, what I feel like is this: I've been playing Mario Kart and I'm sucking. I mean, I'm staying in the race, but I'm clearly not going to win. But then! I hit a turbo strip. And then another! And another! I just feel like days off give you this massive amount of time to catch up.

So, daddy dear, I'll relax when everything's done too. :)

21 February 2007

Food is Yummy

Yesterday, I had my first batch of "real" money. Some New Zealand funds settled themselves (what a politically savvy way to say that!) and a couple hundred dollars came my way. Now, my needs are great. A list of things I just might like to have:

  • cable
  • groceries
  • pillows
  • face products
  • hair products
  • a bed
  • dressers
  • hangers
  • lamps
  • more silverware
  • more plates
  • mixing bowls
  • coffee
  • a tea infuser
  • a working cell phone
  • a newspaper subscription
  • another car
  • gas
  • a suitable wardrobe for work and pleasure
  • new shoes
  • repairs on old shoes
  • books
  • movies
  • a desk
  • a desktop computer

The list goes on. $200 does not go far. But it does make you happier. Money may not buy happiness but it sure staves off utter depression pretty well.

Also, I get the next two days off. Why? Well, I think it's to make up for the fact that we had school on President's Day. I mean, honestly. But it's actually for Rodeo Days. Fine. I guess I do live in the South, though I prefer to think of the Southwest as a whole different kettle of fish.

Tomorrow I might check out the rodeo parade and some fun stuff -- it is free, after all -- and get some errands done. The thought has never made me happier. And! Cable/internet/new cell phones should be in this weekend. I think I've crossed over the poverty threshold.

It was a close one, folks.

12 February 2007

Hello, Light at the End of the Tunnel

The reign of poverty will soon be over. The countdown begins with less than 2 weeks left. Cable! Food! Gas money! A bed!! Such luxury. I like to spend my time daydreaming about cooking a proper dinner. That's sad, I think. But less than two weeks!


07 February 2007

Work is Tiring

I think work makes me tired. There is also some realization that this is what I will do forever. Starting... two days ago. It's a daunting thought. I still enjoy it and I know that I want to do this and all. No early mid-life crisis; fear not. But still. People spend an awful long time working in their lives. Think of the sheer hours!

Whenever I start a job, I always feel like it takes up so. much. time. But eventually I will come home not tired. I won't have to hold off on sleeping for just another half hour. Things will settle. But I think I'm also aware that this is the one of the last big learning curves I have to go through professionally. Granted, there will be a big leap in helping (at times, co-teaching) to being my own teacher in my own classroom. But other than that, the only big stuff coming up in any reasonable amount of time is personal.

I mean, I've been going to school for20 years, if you include kindergarten. I mean, honestly. All that prep for... just this. It's anticlimactic, I'm not going to lie.

But talk to me in a few weeks: I'll be used the kids and they'll be used to me; I'll have spare time!; I'll have money!!! Different story entirely. By that time, being an adult will rock. Did I mention I'll finally be getting steady paychecks and benefits? Money!

05 February 2007

One Day Down, 40 Years to Go.

So I had my first day of teaching. Well, assisting teaching. Babysteps after all. Things I remembered about high school:

  • Kids are still pretty immature, given the opportunity. Fair enough -- so am I.
  • Students can eat way more junk food than is ultimately fair. That stuff is like fat globs that latch onto my body and they burn it almost before they've finished eating it.
  • A classroom is a classroom is a classroom is a classroom.
  • I like school. And being a teacher.
  • I will never really have to feel like I'm working ever again. I mean, it's hard work, but I love it. Yay.
  • Underfunded schools let you wear jeans to work. I am in complete favor of that.

That is all for now. :)

03 February 2007

Updates, Updates Everywhere, and Not a Moment to Write

Hello, hello. I've got lots to update on! I am no longer working at the temp job... as of yesterday. And Monday will be the first day of me working at the high school! Yay for having a job that is actually my chosen career. I think that it will be intense and challenging, so of course I'm thrilled. The boy has a job and might even have a better job coming. I also interviewed with Sylvan and am hoping to work there too.

Workaholics unite!

It will be nice to have moolah. But naturally, that comes in several weeks when money catches up with me. Ah well. Eventually it will be nice.

I went to Vegas with the boy and the brother. Very much fun. I have pictures, but not enough time to put them on the computer. Hopefully within the month I'll have internet at home again and can fully satisfy my many internet addictions -- informing you all of my every move being a primary one.

Tucson is still awesome and wonderful. Due to a fabulous gift from my mommy, I got to eat at the Macaroni Grill last night. Not only the first time I've eaten at one, but also the first meal out in Tucson yet -- yes, it's been a month. Money is tight. ;)

The general synopsis? Life is very, very good and very, very busy.